* Coach in Corporate

strategic planning services to help you initiate organisational change with the perfect plan

Strategy is a combination of various crucial elements that bridge the gulf between policy goals and tactical action. Strategy is what turns the low-resolution image of business goals into a high-resolution plan of action, enabling teams to better see the end goal and strive towards achieving it with a shared understanding. The Coach-In-Corporate team has conducted thousands of strategic planning sessions for dozens of clients in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific regions. We are well-versed in delivering effective strategic planning programmes using a variety of strategic planning models to fit each client’s specific needs.

We offer thorough, insightful, and flexible strategic planning facilitation and consulting services that can help you bring in change with a plan that addresses all your concerns.

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our key strategic planning services

We deliver our strategic planning services in two different modes:

strategic planning facilitation

If you opt for our bespoke strategic planning facilitation services, our seasoned change and strategic planning facilitator will lead the entire process, working with your senior team and top managers.

We will use the planning model of your choice – or one that we believe fits your situation best – and conduct bespoke strategy sessions to build a formidable strategic plan for you. Our strategic planning facilitator will utilise effective tools, industry best practices, and hands-on applications to improve engagement through the process and construct a viable plan that connects with your change goals.

Leave the heavy lifting to us

Our strategic planning facilitator will manage the entire process, giving your team an organised flow of sessions that are aimed at:

  • Building a clear picture for your organisation’s future;

  • Keeping your team engaged throughout the planning process;

  • Creating a detailed plan of action with an exhaustive list of actionable tasks; and

  • Instilling a strong commitment to process outcomes.

strategic planning consulting

Our strategic planning consulting services comprises professional assistance and advice of a seasoned strategic planning consultant who will be your team’s navigator through the painstaking process of building a solid strategic plan.

Our strategic planning consultant will work as a coach and advise you, suggest corrections, and give guidelines as your team creates the strategic plan.

we guide you while you drive

The premise of our strategic planning consulting service is to enable your team and keep them on track while they do the work. Our strategic planning consultant will help you:

  • Keep the process streamlined and structure its various phases like links in a chain;

  • Optimize each session with pre-determined agenda;

  • Discuss ideas coherently and plan accordingly; and

  • Construct a viable strategic plan for your change goals.

Take your pick

some strategic planning models we use

  • BASIC PLANNING MODEL: Perfect choice for new, growing organisations with less complex planning needs and that require more identity related strategic planning guidance, such as building a mission statement.

  • ORGANIC PLANNING MODEL: Suitable for organisations with high cohesion within teams and looking for very long-term goals or change.

  • ISSUES-GOAL BASED PLANNING MODEL: Ideal for organisations with multiple change initiatives to plan with very limited resources.

  • REAL-TIME PLANNING MODEL: Best fit for organisations with rapidly changing external environments.

  • ALIGNMENT MODEL OF PLANNING: Suited for occasions when client organisation is looking to align overall internal operations towards achieving a singular goal.

  • INSPIRATIONAL MODEL OF PLANNING: First choice for scenarios where client organisation require an urgent strategic plan of action.

  • SUCCESSION PLANNING: Retain best talent for your open leadership positions and create a smooth succession plan with expert guidance.

Using Inquisitive approaches for corporate strategic planning

Building a great strategic plan depends on the quality of questions you are willing to ask yourself. We work on three key areas of our clients’ business strategy, asking the following pertinent questions to help them build formidable strategic plans:


The company's present situation analysis


Current strategy, assumptions, goals, markets, geographic region etc.


Competitive analysis, product analysis, distribution, technology, options we have, competition etc.

our primary strategic planning approach

  • DIAGNOSTICS: We study gaps within your organisation’s business and human performance and potential. We look at your organisation’s process, mission, vision, core values, and purpose statements. We also look at your SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) together with assessments of your competition, suppliers, environmental issues, etc.

  • PREPARATION: We help your senior team build a clear vision, set of organisational goals, strategies, and key change initiatives that they can work on and cascade the plan to respective teams across the organisation.

  • PLANNING: We conduct a formal session to develop a change management implementation plan in relation to your communication plan. This is done by getting the senior team to sit together for a strategic brainstorming session aimed at building such an action plan.

  • EXECUTION: We help your senior team implement the plan, executing determined initiatives and strategies using selected approaches.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: We help you thoroughly measure the financial, productivity, customer service, and behavioural change outcomes through periodic workshops if and when required.

Let’s start planning!

our inside-out intervention approach to strategic planning, consulting & facilitation

  • Identify core business, behavioural and process areas with potential for positive change;

  • Develop collaboration and teamwork skills across-the-board;

  • Instil high-performance attitudes and behaviours in individuals;

  • Implement results-based actions within teams and individuals; and

  • Measure results over time and make them sustainable.

optimize your rewards for change with precise, bespoke strategic planning consulting & facilitation

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